About Us

So there I was, flying south from my home in Alaska to my job in Antarctica, in pain because my feet couldn’t reach the floor. My legs were dangling causing pain in my lower back, hips and legs.

Painting of the earth with Alaska, Antarctica, New Zealand and the Pacific Ocean

My legs dangled because my popliteal height (PH), the distance from the bottom of my feet to the area behind my knees while sitting, is only 15”. The average PH spans 15” to 19.9” but the average chair seat height is 17” to 19”. Thus the two to four inch gap between them causing sitting for any length of time so uncomfortable.

Drawing of a persons legs dangling off the edge of a platform with pain points shown in knees, lower back and hips.

Comfortable sitting posture happens when the feet rest flat on the floor. I imagined a portable footrest that I (and YOU) could use anywhere, bringing the floor to my feet. RestAngles and my interest to help people sit comfortably and escape their dangling legs pain began.